Down Payment Assistance Program for Select Professions
Our friend and colleague Monica di Perna has let us know about an amazing program geared toward people in certain professions. With this program, you may be eligible for a down payment assistance of up to 5% of the primary loan amount that can be used for part or all of down payment or closing costs. The down payment assistance is a gift—in other words, you would not have to repay it. If you work in one or more of these select professions, this program may be available to you:
Medical and healthcare
Law enforcement
Fire fighters
Emergency medical technicians
Fire support staff
School administration and staff (public and private)
Even if you are not part of one of these professions, the program may be available to you based on other key criteria and you may be eligible for the same down payment assistance on a 0% second mortgage forgiven after three years. This is not limited to first-time buyers, and could be used even if you already have funds available for down payment. Reach out to Monica di Perna at 415.710.0354 or for more information.